Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Fun on the Fourth


Parade in Kanarraville. Mom came!

Tandy's float. Balloons, babies, and silly string. (Only the babies were old. Ha. Her kids, aGails kids, and Tandy's cousins' kids.

Mike with Nick's kids.

My girls. Jane & Emily

Playing BINGO at my house.

Jonathan calling Bingo.

Emily and the busy ball popper toy. 

Logan ignoring me and attempting to avoid having his picture while he's having quiet time on his tablet.

Emily on the little rocking chair.

Me, Emily, Jane. At Pam's in Kannarraville, awaiting dinner. It's cooking. I helped. I wasn't just lounging. Ha. 
AFTER the dinner. We were so full! Dutch oven chicken, Dutch oven potatoes, rolls, green salad, fruit, drinks, and homemade ice cream for dessert and strawberry shortcake. 

Eric and Matt came, but could not stay long cuz of puppy problems at home.

Pam has a shed. Damian and Josh (Tandy's cousin's husband) FILLED it with fireworks.

They used some child labor to haul it from the shed to the back of Damian's rented pick up truck. It took a while. Bigger kids helped, too, but it still took a while!

Waiting to see if it was a "go" or not. 
It was. It was spectacular, according to the photos. I went home and to bed. Nick and family followed shortly after. 
Happy Independence Day!

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