Saturday, January 28, 2023

Game night!

 A couple in our Ward (the Larson's) invited us over for dinner and games this past Wednesday. She made some delicious Manicotti, with salad and beans on the side and yummy brownies and ice cream for dessert. 

We played "Golf" with cards. We've played with them before. HE is really good and always wins. 

Mike and I played again at home a few nights later so we would remember the rules better. I beat him soundly. Ha 

But we played on Friday night and it was (according to an email I received from Red Lobster), National Chocolate Cake Day. Mmmmm. Chocolate.  So we celebrated.

Here's the caked Mike made. Now picture it with raspberry sauce covering it. Double Mmmmm.

We should do a better job staging our food photos, because this photo does not do it justice.

Saturday morning the 27th, I got ALL if Eric's denim quilt tied. Now it's on to binding them. {Sigh} That part is always harder for me. 

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