Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year's Day, 2023

 Since Church starts at 9 am in our Ward now, there's no "lolly-gagging" around here in the mornings any more. We did set an alarm, and we did get up in time for Mike to make waffles for Kelly and Mike and me. Then Mike took Kelly to his big rig north of town and he headed out. We went to church, enjoyed Sacrament meeting with our itty bitty ward, then taught in our New Primary class. Our kids are 5 and 6 years old. So young. 

After church, I read and napped. Then at 3 we had a fun dinner with Mom, Damian, Tandy and their three kids. And it started snowing! We'd had just some light steady rain sprinkles during the morning, so the snow was a surprise. That brought a snow man, Ella playing outside in it, and getting wet in the process. And whenever those kids are around, there always seems to be a dog pile or two. Haha .

Fun family. We ate (raspberry waffles with bacon and sausage), we visited, we took photos. Enjoy! (And they all went home-- boo to Texas, and My Mom back to Our House/her house)

It was nice to have Mom over again. She said that in her Fast and Testimony church meeting at Brookdale, she felt prompted to bear her testimony. So she did! Yay for Mommy. Now, If she could just get some more of her strength back, she'd be back to as good as new!

Sliding door snowball splat.

Lexi is taller than me now.

Braeden is WAY taller than I.


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