Tuesday, August 8, 2023

A good year for apricots

 I was balking about bottling apricots this year, in spite of their ABUNDANCE all over town, in friends and neighbors' yards, and many offers to come and pick them. I thought I had BOXES of bottled apricots in my basement fruit room. 

Well, as it turns out-- I don't! I'd moved all the bottled fruit to my visible shelves sometimes last year( or during the pandemic--who knows?!) And most of the boxes of bottles on my shelves in the back were full of empty canning jars! That was a surprise. I remember thinking that I had way too many empties, and even gave away three boxes to a stranger I met in Walmart. Yeah, it was during the pandemic because jars and lids were in high demand. 

So, I've picked and bottled apricots and apricot juice. The Rasmussen's gave us some, and on a Monday the 7th Gail and I rode to Parowan and picked a couple of boxes of really nice big ones from Luck Felstead's trees. Rasmussen's were big, too, but very overripe so most of those were juiced. 

I do like home canning and food preservation. It's kind of my "thing."

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