Saturday, September 23, 2023

Fall, Fancy Dogs, SG Temple and Homecoming

 Plus a couple of Birthdays.

After we celebrated Logan and Rachel's birthdays in Herriman, Mike had to recuperate quite a bit from his hard work out there. I was hanging out with my mom, taking her back and forth for hospital visits, blood draws, more doctor visits. She's been struggling with low sodium. It has made her feel very very sick and nauseous and weak and just all out icky. She's been trying really hard to get well enough to go on her trip to Florida. And she left today! She is there in Florida today on the 23rd. Tired and worn out, but there. I hope all goes well with Robert, Janet, Butch and Donna while they are there with her at Fort Walton beach.

Here is a picture of me and Mom in front of some fall decorations at Our House Assisted living.

Here is a fancy dog who lives at Our House Assisted living. Her name is actually Fancy.
Her owner's name is Suzie. The dog is so soft and fluffy and well-groomed, and well-mannered. I quite like her. Which is saying a lot considering I don't really like dogs as a rule.

I wanted to take a picture of her just standing there, because she is so big and tall. But the owner insisted on sitting her and posing her. "Smile, Fancy!"

I don't have any photos that we took at the concert, but Mike and I went with Eric ( for HIS birthday) and Gayela and attended a Carpenter's tribute band concert at the Heritage Center. It was really fun. Brought back a lot of memories. Even Eric listened to the Carpenters during the time that he worked for Jack Reardon in the cabinet making shop. And the rest of us just know the Carpenters because we are that old. Karen Carpenter certainly did die too young. We were recognized in the concert by the lady performing the music. She called us out as celebrating our 47th wedding anniversary. (It was in 2 days.) Fun times. Eric caused that recognition to happen because Sterling, a friend of his, was her costume designer and maker, so he (Sterling) used his influence with the performer whose name i don't recall to put us on her agenda that night. Sterling's not just the performers costumer, he is also her friend.

And THEN--we finally got to go to the St George temple open house. It was so lovely. You can check out photos online. Mike pushed his sister around in a wheelchair. He really worked up a sweat, and his knee was really sore afterwards. I took all the stairs. I've been wondering during all of the remodel what they did with that big chunk of building they added to the west side of the Temple. The back side. And it was a grand staircase. All four floors. It was gorgeous. 

And very crowded at one point. Most of the time I could zip up or down the stairs and meet Mike and his sister at the elevator. One time when I had to wait to go down the stairs because there was a very slow line, they did not wait for me. No fair! But we finally did meet up again. Also, I noticed that the tour skipped the third floor. There was no entry there. But I'm guessing it's just sort of small and not able to accommodate coming and goings of people. I think they still have third floor sealing rooms for proxy sealings. But I don't know. The floor and the door was still there in the stairwell. Everything was so lovely. I am so glad we got to go. I would love to go and attend a session there. Someday. After the temple open house, the three of us went out to eat at the Golden Corral buffet. Oink oink oink.

I missed two of Mom's appointments by being gone that day, September  18. In the morning she met with her physical therapist. I would have liked to have seen what exercises he was having her do and not do. In the afternoon at 1:00 p.m. was a follow-up visit with her primary care physician, Matt Ryanearson. And I definitely would have liked to have heard what they had to say to her at that. But, somebody did write up notes, and I took pictures of them when she brought them home.

Friday, September 22nd, was Cedar high school's homecoming parade and football game. The parade went right by the end of our street on 600 south, so I went down to watch it. I had a nice visit with Mike and Katie Humes while waiting for it to start, and after it started, I crossed the street and had a nice visit with Jamie DePoe and her two daughters. Her son is in the marching band. That CHS Band was AMAZING!!!

SUU has been having their homecoming celebration activities all week. I have actually been on campus for 3 days this week, working in the library at the invitation of Matt Nickerson. He was hoping I could help fill in the training gaps for the circulation supervisor now. I've been there a little over 6 hours, and done some other emails and inquiries. I will be going back next week to do a bit more training and hope for the best. I told them I could make no guarantees, but would try. Apparently they have had quite a mess there, and I'm sorry. But I am not a miracle worker. It was nice for my ego, however. :-)

Mike's knee has been hurting him quite badly. Even though he had a shot a week ago as we left Salt Lake from being at Nick and Kaylee's, it still is very sore. He's been trying to clean out the garage in preparation for Apple season, but it's just been irritating it further. So, I went to the homecoming Forever Red  celebration last night without him.

Fireworks, music, more entertainment and a LOT of people!

I also enjoyed this lovely sunset from my bike ride down there. That's the most I have ridden my bike in the past two years since retirement.
I rode it to the library all three days that I was working there this week ( and last week's initial appointment), I rode it to Usher at the Friday afternoon USF matinee, and I rode it to Forever Red on Friday night. I also had a fun visit with Deb Ashdown Chelsey who was here for some family gatherings and to see some Shakespeare plays. I rode my bike there too. But it was on the way to Shakespeare's ushering assignment so that doesn't count as anything extra. I will remember in the future to get a better running start to ride up the music building Hill on my bike. Boy, where my thighs ever burning trying to get up that little hill!

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