Monday, September 25, 2023

Library Again


A couple of weeks ago, when we were up north at Nick and Kaylee's house, I got a call from Sheri at the library. She and the director wanted me to help with some extra training to help fill in the training gaps that were left when a new person took over at circulation. I had trained my replacement. But she left after about a year, and didn't pass on a lot of the knowledge that I think I gave to her. I didn't know if my brain would still remember Library stuff after two plus years of retirement, but that night I dreamed of nothing but Library stuff. So I called Sherri and Matt and told them, yes, I am happy to return as a consultant/ trainer. I met with them after we returned from Herriman, and started last week. I've only been there a few hours, but Kelly and I have been over tons of stuff together. He found a missing necessary document, took lots of notes, made plans, etc. I feel like I'm overfilling his brain! But I hope it will help, as there have been some difficult situations for the department and library to overcome. I'm glad I could help out. I hope I did help out! Only time will tell. I did tell Sherri that I could try, but I was not a miracle worker. It was a good challenge for my brain, to organize and teach and lead and help someone learn to lead and supervise. Not to mention a huge ego boost to even be asked. A lot of it just comes with a lot of long years of experience, you know? And I did have that advantage of many years of experience. I also had good mentors. I hope he might consider me one of his. Or, maybe he just considers me a big pest by now! I think my last day was this morning. It would have been the fourth time we met for about 2 hours each time. Plus some other emails and conversations with others. It was kind of hard. I hope they will see improvements. If not, oh well! I tried.

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