Saturday, August 31, 2024

Almost September

 At the end of August,

Mike and I attended the SUU Emeriti Steak Fry. 8/26/2024.  Fun visits with former co-workers and many good folks. We walked there. It was at the church pavillion down by the freeway overpass. Mike can WALK!!! He does three mile walks around the campus fairly frequently these days.

We attended the temple, just Mike and I on Friday the 30th. So close. So convenient. 

I have a new calling at Church. I'm First Counselor in the new Relief Society Presidency. I'm over the activities. We have had our "passing the torch" meeting with the out-going presidency, and one new Presidency meeting. There's ministering, activities, visiting the sisters, finding people to accept new positions-- the ones we vacated in RS. It will be busy!

Last week on Friday, 8/23/2024,we went to the Temple with Mom for an Endowment session...on THE WINDIEST day ever. It about blew her away on the way back to our car. We had to hold on to her!! She enjoyed this time WAY better than her last Temple experience. And she even forgot her hearing aids!

The pumpkins are ORANGE!

Other things  in the garden are slowing down, but still producing

I've ushered four times at Shakespeare and go again tonight( Saturday 8/31/2024), then have only two more assignments and I'm done!

Eric and Matt came on Tuesday (8/27/2024) afternoon to see "Silent Sky". I had ushered for that performance and really liked it, so they both had Tuesday off and came for lunch and the play. It was a nice visit. They were nice and took Mike, too. Well, they all used MY vouchers.

I made a trip to the Iron County Extension  Office to see what could be gone about my peaches that have split pits. Just use more consistent watering. I'll try, but ...oh well. It's disappointing because I cannot give them away and it's SOOoo  hard to preserve them that way! 

I just spend a lot of time in the kitchen it seems. All week. I made and froze corn, stuffed peppers, took dinner to Neumann's who's young adult daughter has been in ICU in St. George for nearly two weeks. I've made more apple juice. Made a big batch of cole slaw, a couple of apple crisps...just a lot of stuff to fix, preserve and prepare.

Our Jonathan Apples are doing well.

Tomatoes only ripen about three at a time, DAYS apart! So frustrating.

The leaves on these cabbage plants are so big!

Oh! I did a "garden exchange" with Emily Dean (8/28/2024) from SUU. She grows great herbs, so we swapped. I'd made some really yummy jalapeno poppers for the first time ever that day. Even Mom likes them. So I threw a few of those in with Emily's vegetables. I didn't even know it was her birthday. Bonus! 

I went with Mike to his final post op visit (8/28/2024) with the orthopedic surgeon. His shoulder is excellent. He's even gone target shooting a couple of times in preparation for the upcoming elk hunt trip in October.

We played games one night ( 8/28/2024) with the Larson's. Brooke and Dale are so funny. Dale won at Golf, but I won at Phase Ten Dice. Good treats. 

Last Saturday, (8/24/2024) Mike and I drove to Enterprise for the Corn Festival and bought corn. I froze some but we've enjoyed it fresh lots. And shared some.

And all that was just in a week's time, pretty much. Crazy. Add in lots of phone calls to follow up with David's pre-surgery needs and it's no wonder I  need a nap. (Well, that and I stay up WAY too late at night.) Mike and I watched a couple of movies on BYU TV this week, too. "The Ultimate Gift" and sequel(s).

1 comment:

Donnapoo said...

What was on the apple trees? Did you ever find out?