Monday, August 19, 2024

Sunday August 18, last day in Texas

 Dave and I attended the Springtown ward. Bishopric members greeted us. Nice meeting. David was thoroughly entertained by three kids sitting in front of us.  We even stayed for Sunday school class.

The lady who taught the SS class last name was Zufelt. My current bishop's name is Zufelt. David's bishop is a Heaton. Heaton's settled the Alto area here in Southern Utah. 

I'm glad we went, met a few folks. I will reach out to the bishop soon about ministering Brothers for David. It may be Tingey's, but they don't attend Church anymore due to health reasons.

After church nap, pizza for lunch/ dinner, we took a ride to the Senior Center, but it was filled with folks attending a private birthday party. " Only " a 70 year old. That's how old David will be on Wednesday. We did not really do anything special to celebrate, darn it.  But we did have a nice time visiting and relaxing, going over his eye surgery pre- surgery instructions. He really needs a helper. A driver. A reminder. A housekeeper. A yard guy. A carpenter.  Although, he did get that second bathroom toilet placed successfully.

Time to fly home that evening. Glad I allowed plenty of time as the car rental return took an hour. The remote parking shuttle took close to 45 minutes to get there ( instead of 10 minutes as expected). I had some tummy troubles, so was glad for extra time in bathrooms and STILL had to stink up the airplane toilet. :-/ 

Mike got me at the Las Vegas Airport ( another 15 minute wait for him as his phone had died and caused him much complications, poor fellow). We were home shortly after 4 am. I got to sleep in until 9:30, but Mike had to go to PT about 8:45. I did snooze on the plane, so I'll probably be okay for most of the day.  Maybe. Until I have a nap attack.

I told Mike that those 5 1/2 days of that trip felt like two weeks of being gone. I think it was because we've been away from each other about two weeks, with just a day or so overlap in between trips and much busy-ness. There were visitors in our home while Mike was away, and visitors in our home while *I* was away. Crazy, busy times!!

And, yes. It was hot. His back porch thermometer said about 107 at 8:30 am in Sunday. 

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