Monday, August 19, 2024

Trivia reward

 Mike and I like to play question of the day with our Google device in the kitchen. Her name is alexa. :-) 

We have been watching our points accumulate and get larger and larger. Katie and Casey gave us this device about 3 and 1/2 years ago. I don't think we started in immediately doing the question of the day, but it's pretty consistent for us nowadays. I decided we needed a reward when we reached a certain milestone. Today was the day that we reached that milestone of 4,000 points. So we took ourselves out to eat at milt's stage stop up the canyon. Yum yum. Of course, I forgot to take a picture of our lovely food before we ate it, so here is a picture of our lovely empty plates. Yes, it was good. 

We also thoroughly enjoy the busy hummingbird feeder outside the window by our table. 

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