Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Close call, or a tender Mercy? Garage Door


[Aug 7 harvest. Beans, peas, cabbage, onion, tomato, peppers, lettuce, squash, eggplant, raspberries. Nice little harvest.]

This evening (August 6, 2024, Tuesday) around 7:30, I noticed that water was going down the ditch in front of our house, so I turned it into our irrigation gutter and let it run into the backyard. I forgot all about it until about midnight. 

Earlier today, I was at Mom's house. We went over her medicines, I made some phone calls, I had lunch with her. It was Taco tuesday! I took it upon me to run upstairs to her refrigerator and bring down some good salsa. It took the kitchen staff quite a while to bring the condiments out for the tacos. But I thought they were good. Not bad at all. I was kind of Piggy and had two. Everybody around me just had one. I ordered two because I thought they would be Street sized tacos. Street tacos are generally small. These were kind of medium to normal size. 

I had dinner at my house with Doug and Diane gardner. We had a nice vegetable garden dinner. Pam was supposed to come, too, but she was sick with a cold. Poor thing. And Mike is out of town. He left this morning early to head up to Vernal and spend some time with Joe in vernal, and Andrew in Wyoming. 

After I came home from Mom's house this afternoon and went to close the garage door, it made a humongously huge noise and quit working. It was stuck in the open position. The cable had broken and the chain popped off. I backed my car out of the garage and put it in the driveway. I'm so thankful the garage door decided to be broken in the open position rather than the closed position. That would have been awful had it happened right when I was on my way out to go somewhere and was stuck and unable to get out. 

Of course, Mike didn't answer his phone messages or texts that I had sent him about that little problem until too late to call anybody. But since Doug was going to be here in the evening and he is a mechanic, I figured I would just ask him to help me close it at least. And he did. He also locked it for me. With a vice grip pair of pliers on the garage door and frame. I thought that was nice of him. 

However since I'm alone at home I decided to lock the doors at night. It's still incredibly hot outside, and being alone I'm not going to leave my back door open. I even locked the kitchen door out to the garage. 

Climbing into bed tonight I remembered the irrigation water in the backyard! Oops. So I went out with a flashlight ( my phone) to make sure that it had stopped running. And I walked out to the front yard and made sure that it was stopped, too.  Whoever turned it on at the top of the ditch turned it back off again, so that was good. And then I went to go in the house and....

Remember how I said I had locked the back door? That door does not UNlock when you open it from the inside! I had forgotten all about that. But luckily, and fortuitously, perhaps miraculously, the kitchen/garage door was ajar when I went back in and I was able to enter the house. It was midnight. What if I had closed the door tightly behind me when I went out? What if I had been locked out of my house at midnight! All of the windows and doors were locked. It was MIDNIGHT!!!

Oh, that could have been bad. Really really bad. At least I had bothered to put my clothes back on before going outside and wasn't still in my jammies. :-) 

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