Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Apple season begins😊


We. Are going to start juicing apples today for the "Great Apple Juice Give-away." Mike's favorite time of the year.

We picked on Tuesday morning. There was still snow on the ground, snow in the trees. We got SOAKED! We picked at Sam's house (Jonathan apples), at Dr. Saunders house (Granny Smith and very wormy), and at Jocelyn's house around the corner (Golden Delicious). I've never seen so many apples on one tree! We picked two trash cans full of those Golden Delicious apples and didn't even make a dent. We forgot to pick up the boxes at the Rasmussen's house, and those are Jonathan apples. Our apples Mike picked before we left on vacation sat in a warm garage the 11 days we were gone and many are bad, so we'll lose a lot of those.  But we should be in for some great juice over the next two weeks!

A sad note. We un- plugged the old deep freeze after having a repair guy determine it didn't need a freon recharge and we found it worked fine. We froze a few water bottles and it checked out just fine. I had no idea the coils would generate so much moisture/ condensation. They did ( the ones that are in the shelves) and I opened a freezer full of nothing but black mold. Ick. THAT took a lot of bleach and elbow grease to clean up that gross mess last night. Sheesh. Not the way I wanted to spend my evening. I was sad to not have a before and after photo. Ha. Now we know better than to close up a cold freezer, even if it is empty. Lesson learned.

[Update: Pam came this afternoon ( Wednesday) to help chop apples. Between the three of us, Mike, Pam, and I managed to press 19 Gallons of juice. That's a new record. Mike made some adaptions to his method. Success!]

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