Tuesday, October 4, 2022

October, Damian, and the St. George Marathon

 Well, he did it!  Damian (age 45) ran and completed his very first (and the last, he says) Marathon. He did the St. George Marathon. We dropped him off at the starting line in Central, Utah. Then we went home and Mike had a nap! ha. I made breakfast, then we ate, got ready and headed to Kanarraville to pick up Pam Christensen around 9 a.m.  On to St. George to the finish line at Vernon Worthen Park where we only had to wait for about a half an hour to see him sprint across the finish line. He did it in less than 4 hours, which is phenomenal!  Amazing. He didn't have any major issues other than one hamstring cramp on Diagonal street right in St. George that he was able to work through, and so right near the end of the race. And he did end up with blisters on his feet and--boy--way he sore and tired. But it's to be expected, right?  

We're very proud of him!

He's not in the picture of the finish line. I just wanted a picture of it. I only took a video of him running past me and across the line. Videos won't show up on my blog, I think.



Warm-up gear going on because it was like 40 degrees and windy cold at the start of the race!

Damian got in to Cedar City late on Wednesday night, September 28. He flew into Las Vegas and rented a car to come up here to Cedar City. Thursday we went out to lunch with my Mom and Mike at Golden Corral. Friday, Mike and Damian drove to St. George so Damian could pick up his packet at the Convention center.  (I was doing an extra Temple Shift for a friend.)

AFTER the race on Saturday October 1, he showered, visited and rested at Eric and Matt's house, then (I think) he visited with some of his high school buddies--Dave Durfee who manages Buffalo Wild Wings in St. George; and Kris Khontopp and Ben Mortensen who both now live in Las Vegas. I never asked Damian if he actually did get to meet up with the old buddies . . .because we headed off to Salt Lake City within minutes after seeing him finish the race. He looked okay and sounded okay, so off we went! haha.

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