Friday, October 14, 2022

Thursday Afternoon Drive 10/13, Friday Fishing,/2022

 Mike wanted to drive up to the Flaming Gorge area and check things out. He loved reminiscing about his 50 mile hike he did from Vernal to there when he was twelve years old. Just he and one other boy, and they did it. He pointed out all his campsites along the way, shared memories of driving the switchbacks with a grandma too scared to stay in the scary and steep-sided narrow canyon roads, and she got out and walked. Too funny. That was his grandma Chadburn.

We looked at campsites, overlooks, the dam, hiking trailheads and ALL of it is deer hunting areas with many family  memories for generations back. The hill  his Grandpa L. almost got run over by a buck; the camping area where his dad was severely burned by an exploding stove. He (John) was the only licensed driver. Talk about a remote area to be severely injured!  And the roads were not paved back then.

It was just a beautiful fall drive!

Later that evening, Tara came over with enchiladas for dinner, I made a salad to go with it, and we'd stopped to buy a pumpkin roll for dessert.  We had a fun visit with Tara and Gary Galley, two of their granddaughters, plus Amelia came by later.

Friday, Joe and Amelia took Mike fishing at Steinaker Reservoir in the morning.

Here are the views from Flaming Gorge area on Thursday afternoon.

Eeeeks! Will these cliff-sides just shear off with us on them?!?!

There were these HUGE rifts in the rocks...between us and the edge of the cliff where the lookout is. We actually didn't know the area was closed until we walked out. Ha. It was so pretty. Green Lakes area, and Red Cliffs, I think. 

At the dam.

Friday afternoon after fishing, Mike and I drove out to Naples and found some Liebhardts to visit. Scott was hunting, but Teresa was home , and so we're Coda, Marlynn and their 7 children. Such a nice family. They are farmers, ranchers, truckers, teachers aids. In the later afternoon, we had dinner with Sally and Devere Ostler ( Mike's oldest sister), spent the night there, and left early Saturday morning to meet Katie's Family in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty area and scary you could have ended up at the bottom quickly. Tell mike nice fish!!!