Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday the 16th in Denver-- Stefanie Autrey

 After Mike and I watched our Ward Sacrament meeting via a private YouTube channel, we left for our drive to Longmont to meet Stefanie Autrey. We met her around 1 pm. What a delight!

When I first saw her, I said "You look just like Aunt Dorothy!" We'll, not JUST like her, but I could sure see the resemblance.  Here's a photo of her with her 1 year old miniature Australian shepherd, Maggie.  She's an Autrey for sure. She has lived here in this house 20 years, has fruit trees, a garden, two chickens ( she gave us a dozen eggs!), The dog, a greenhouse ( and a she-shed that is a garden shed), lovely home, healthy house plants everywhere flowers, veggies.  So fun. 

We had lunch together at Panera. After, back at her house,  She showed us a video clip of some digitized home movies her parents had. It was my Dad at home in Hooks shortly after he was in the Navy. I don't know the date, but it was sure fun to see! And Uncle Lee and Aunt Dorothy, young and cute with two little boys...and Aunt Sue.  AND my grandma Autrey on film. I knew her, spent time with my grandparents, but only have still photos. Stefanie will try to get me a copy. Fun.

Mike is stoopping through an arbor in her yard. Stefanie IS very short, shorter than her mom was. Mike said he felt like the Jolly Green Giant next to her.

Mike playing with Maggie the dog. Ordinarily Maggie growls at men and does not like them. And she growled at Mike initially. He worked hard at getting her to warm up to him.

I'm so glad we spent the time to go see my cousin!. I hope we get to see more of her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how very nice that you to get to meet up with her. I am so sad the autrey women don’t get together